Consecutive pivots left or right; one (1) pivot is allowed
Open left or right box turns
Fallaway reverse turn or slip pivot from fallaway
Any picture lines or figures (i.e., contra check, chair, oversways,
lunges, etc.)
Any solo, shadow, or same foot lunges
Any syncopations other than the chasses
Open work is limited to single or double hand hold and must be
finished by the end of the sixth (6th) measure of music with the feet
Progressive Twinkles must finish by the end of the sixth (6th)
measure of music with the feet closed
Both feet must remain close to the floor at all times (no aerial ronde,
develope, etc.)
Running Steps
Open Progressive Twinkles
Cross-Body Lead
Promenade Cross to Quick Chasse
Pivots to Spin
Hesitation Left and Right
Contra Check
Open Right Turn to Fan
Quick Fallaway to Rock
The Oversway
Restrictions for Silver
Apart work for no more than 4 measures of music.
Basic picture lines: oversway but not throwaway, contra check, not
same foot lunge
No runarounds in place
No side by side or shadow (parallel) position work
Anything choreographic will be disqualified -- this distinction will
be determined by the judges
Restrictions for Gold
Advanced figures are allowed (e.g., throwaway, same foot lunge, hinge
to runaround)
Apart work for no more than 8 measures of music.
Obvious choreography is not permitted. If the partners can dance the
material together (lead and follow) it is permitted. If the partners are
clearly dancing material on their own it is choreography.
Any picture lines or figures (i.e., contra check, chairs, oversways,
lunges, etc.); Corte is allowed
Fallaway reverse turns of any kind or slip pivots from fallaway
Consecutive pivots to left or right; one (1) pivot is allowed
Open work is limited to single or double hand hold and may not last
for more than 16 beats of music
Both feet must remain close to the floor at all times (no aerial ronde,
develope, etc.)
Checked Promenade
Walk and Link
Double Fan
Quick Fans
Turning Rock to Contra Check
Fallaway to Fan
Cobra Fan
Same Foot Lunge
Promenade Twist
Pivot to Fallaway Lunge
Restrictions for Silver
Apart work for no more than 4 measures of music.
Basic picture lines: oversway but not throwaway, contra check, not
same foot lunge
No runarounds in place
No side by side or shadow (parallel) position work
Anything choreographic will be disqualified -- this distinction will
be determined by the judges
Restrictions for Gold
Advanced figures are allowed (e.g., throwaway, same foot lunge, hinge
to runaround)
Apart work for no more than 8 measures of music.
Obvious choreography is not permitted. If the partners can dance the
material together (lead and follow) it is permitted. If the partners are
clearly dancing material on their own it is choreography.
Consecutive pivots right or left; one (1) pivot is allowed
Open left or right box turns
Any syncopations
Any picture lines or figures (i.e., oversways, contra check, chair,
lunges, etc.)
Fallaways of any kind of slip pivot from fallaway
Any solo, shadow, or same foot figures
Open work is limited to single or double hand hold and must be
finished by the end of the sixth (6th) measure of music with the feet
No more than eight (8) quicks, or 2 measures, of a grapevine action
and it must finish with the feet closed
Progressive twinkles must finish by the end of the sixth (6th)
measure of music with the feet closed
Both feet must remain close to the floor at all times (no aerial ronde,
develope, etc.)
Open Left Turn
Running Steps A, B
Open Triple Twinkle
Open Right Turn
Pivots to Spin
Fallaway Turn
Promenade Cross and Chasse
Curved Run to Back Lock
Restrictions for Silver
Apart work for no more than 4 measures of music.
Basic picture lines: oversway but not throwaway, contra check, not
same foot lunge
No runarounds in place
No side by side or shadow (parallel) position work
Anything choreographic will be disqualified -- this distinction will
be determined by the judges
Restrictions for Gold
Advanced figures are allowed (e.g., throwaway, same foot lunge, hinge
to runaround)
Apart work for no more than 8 measures of music.
Obvious choreography is not permitted. If the partners can dance the
material together (lead and follow) it is permitted. If the partners are
clearly dancing material on their own it is choreography.
Consecutive pivots right or left; one (1) canter pivot is allowed
Fallaways of any kind or slip pivot from fallaway
Partners must remain on opposite feet at all times
Any solo, shadow, or same foot figures
Open work is limited to single or double hand hold and must be
finished by the sixth (6th) measure of music
Both feet must remain close to the floor at all times (no aerial ronde,
develope, etc.)
Underarm Turn
Parallel Run
Kick and Run
Open Cantor
Fan and Twinkle
Twist Turn
Underarm Turn in Center Time
Sweetheart Canter
Advanced Balance Combination
Restrictions for Silver
Apart work for no more than 4 measures of music.
Basic picture lines: oversway but not throwaway, contra check, not
same foot lunge
No runarounds in place
No side by side or shadow (parallel) position work
Anything choreographic will be disqualified -- this distinction will
be determined by the judges
Restrictions for Gold
Advanced figures are allowed (e.g., throwaway, same foot lunge, hinge
to runaround)
Apart work for no more than 8 measures of music.
Obvious choreography is not permitted. If the partners can dance the
material together (lead and follow) it is permitted. If the partners are
clearly dancing material on their own it is choreography.
Peek-a-Boo -- Stop and Go / 2 Way Underarm Turn / In and Out Turns
Single Cuddle
Double Cuddle -- Parallel Breaks / Shadow Breaks
Cross Body Lead
Half-Turn Chase
Cross-Over Chase
Full-Turn Chase
Allowed Figures at Bronze
Basic Back Spot Turn -- not continuous
One measure of back spot turn w/wo open break
Parallel (Shadow) Position Breaks -- w/wo foot change for man; no foot
2 Way Underarm Turn (In and Out Turns, Stop and Go)
Without syncopations
No foot flicks
3 Cha Cha Chas -- in open facing position only
Crossover Variation
Single crossover
Double crossover
Crossover to back rock (5th position)
Crossover with side rock on counts 4-1
Swivel and Cross-Over
Roll-Away to Back Drop -- Paseo
Surprise Break
Triple Cha Cha Cha
Rhythm Changes A, B, C
Counter Zig Zag
Kick Breaks
Swivels to Pull Back
Two Way Spot
Restrictions for Silver
No side by side work. Including no entrances.
Shadow or parallel position work is confined to recognizable figures
(e.g., Cha Cha Twinkles, Samba Shadow Voltas)
No exotic rhythm changes. Changes in rhythm in recognizable figures
only (e.g., &23 on breaks in Cha Cha)
Anything choreographic will be disqualified -- this distinction will
be determined by the judges
Restrictions for Gold
Advanced figures are allowed
Apart work for no more than 4 measures of music (e.g., side by side in
Cha Cha)
Obvious choreography is not permitted. If the partners can dance the
material together (lead and follow) it is permitted. If the partners are
clearly dancing material on their own it is choreography.
2 Way Underarm Turn (In and Out Turns, Stop and Go)
Without syncopations
No foot flicks
Parallel (Shadow) Position Breaks -- w/wo foot change for man; no foot
Promenade Walks
After 5th position rock in PP
2 measures; Promenade Close
Reverse Underarm Turn from Open Break
Cuban Walk with Cross-Over
Rhythm Changes A, B, C
Roll Away
Snap Turn
Cuban Walk with Underarm Turns
Counter Promenade Chasse
Shadow Breaks
Spot Turn
Restrictions for Silver
No side by side work. Including no entrances.
Shadow or parallel position work is confined to recognizable figures
(e.g., Cha Cha Twinkles, Samba Shadow Voltas)
No exotic rhythm changes. Changes in rhythm in recognizable figures
only (e.g., &23 on breaks in Cha Cha)
Anything choreographic will be disqualified -- this distinction will
be determined by the judges
Restrictions for Gold
Advanced figures are allowed
Apart work for no more than 4 measures of music (e.g., side by side in
Cha Cha)
Obvious choreography is not permitted. If the partners can dance the
material together (lead and follow) it is permitted. If the partners are
clearly dancing material on their own it is choreography.
Circle Swivel -- Whirlwind / Continuous Open Tuck In
Peek-a-Boo -- Stop and Go / 2 Way Underarm Turn / In and Out Turns
Allowed Figures at Bronze
Reverse Wrap (Reverse Sweetheart)
Reverse Underarm Turn for lady to head loop (Curl, Miami Special)
Mooch (simple kicks in side by side)
Under no circumstances mistake this style for "lindy hop".
Kick Ball-Change
Shoulder Spin
Toe Heel Spin
Lindy Variations
Promenade Walks
Back to Back Swivel
Swing Hop
Lindy Whip
Swing Slide
Kick Breaks
Restrictions for Silver
No side by side work. Including no entrances.
Shadow or parallel position work is confined to recognizable figures
(e.g., Cha Cha Twinkles, Samba Shadow Voltas)
No exotic rhythm changes. Changes in rhythm in recognizable figures
only (e.g., &23 on breaks in Cha Cha)
Anything choreographic will be disqualified -- this distinction will
be determined by the judges
Restrictions for Gold
Advanced figures are allowed
Apart work for no more than 4 measures of music (e.g., side by side in
Cha Cha)
Obvious choreography is not permitted. If the partners can dance the
material together (lead and follow) it is permitted. If the partners are
clearly dancing material on their own it is choreography.
Allowed Figures at BronzeNote: Rhythm must be 2-3, 4-1
Basic Back Spot Turn -- not continuous
One measure of back spot turn w/wo open break
2 Way Underarm Turn (In and Out Turns, Stop and Go)
Without syncopations
No foot flicks
Parallel (Shadow) Position Breaks -- w/wo foot change for man; no foot
Reverse Underarm Turn from Open Break
Side Breaks (Cucaracha)
Crossover variations
Crossover to back rock (5th position)
Crossover with side rock on count 4-1
Closed and Open Box Step
Cross-Over and Swivel
Swing Mambo
Promenade Swivels
Surprise Break
Double Spin
Kick Tap
Whip Turns
Swivels to Pull Back
Half Time
Restrictions for Silver
No side by side work. Including no entrances.
Shadow or parallel position work is confined to recognizable figures
(e.g., Cha Cha Twinkles, Samba Shadow Voltas)
No exotic rhythm changes. Changes in rhythm in recognizable figures
only (e.g., &23 on breaks in Cha Cha)
Anything choreographic will be disqualified -- this distinction will
be determined by the judges
Restrictions for Gold
Advanced figures are allowed
Apart work for no more than 4 measures of music (e.g., side by side in
Cha Cha)
Obvious choreography is not permitted. If the partners can dance the
material together (lead and follow) it is permitted. If the partners are
clearly dancing material on their own it is choreography.
Shadow or parallel position work is confined to recognizable figures
(e.g., Cha Cha Twinkles, Samba Shadow Voltas)
No exotic rhythm changes. Changes in rhythm in recognizable figures
only (e.g., &23 on breaks in Cha Cha)
Anything choreographic will be disqualified -- this distinction will
be determined by the judges
Restrictions for Gold
Advanced figures are allowed
Apart work for no more than 4 measures of music (e.g., side by side in
Cha Cha)
Obvious choreography is not permitted. If the partners can dance the
material together (lead and follow) it is permitted. If the partners are
clearly dancing material on their own it is choreography.